What payment method can I use?

We accept payments by PayPal, credit card and bank transfer


PayPal offers buyer protection and favours consumers by providing a safe transaction and good refund policies. This is why we recommend using PayPal to complete your transactions securely without risk. If you have a PayPal account, just checkout with PayPal and log in to complete your purchase.

What happens if I don’t have a PayPal account?

Don’t worry because you don’t have to have a PayPal account to pay: you can enter your credit card details directly on PayPal and complete the payment. You don’t even need to register for a PayPal account.

These are the steps:

  • Click on the “PAY WITH A CARD” option.
  • Enter your credit / debit card details.
  • Click on “PAY NOW”.
  • When you are asked to create a PayPal account click on “NO, THANK YOU”. Your order is complete!

Done! You will receive a short confirmation email for your order and you can enjoy our products!

Bank card

Quick and easy!

Accepted credit cards include (Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express). You will need to enter your card details, number, expiration date and CVC (the 3 digits on the back of the card) and then simply confirm the payment to place the order.

Bank transfer

If you want to pay by bank transfer, simply make the transfer by communicating the following bank details to the bank:

Current account holder: SOCIETA’ AGRICOLA ACETOMODENA S.S.

IBAN: IT 35 N 05034 12900 000000130852


Current account number: 000000130852

Bank name: BANCO BPM SPA

Branch: Modena branch Agency N

Via Mondatora n ° 14, 41121 Modena Italy

WARNING! Your order will be shipped only after receiving the payment!